
In General, U.S. Greatest Asset is Unity

And maybe it still can be...
No matter what got us to this point today.. We’re here... And one thing for sure... It's not the time to experiment with our National Security, or champion experimental Socialist programs, amidst an already weakened dollar...

General Washington by ~azrainman on deviantART

America has lost her sense of humor amidst a line-up of arrogant self-seekers. Take a look at everyone on that line-up... Anyone's guess why they mistakenly took "We the American People" as little minions, while nearly assigning our sovereignty to the benefit of another Nation's OVER-FLOW?! At one time, they even put a dollar $$Price tag$$ on citizenship! If that's not selling out, what is?

Fred Thompson can impact border security IMMEDIATELY, in the interest of National Security... And will OVER-TURN any bill which will have dealt our future generations a bad hand, without the Legal citizens of America sitting at the table.

One commonality throughout the pages of history... has been American Sovereignty, Unity, and Freedom to Prosper...
Borders, and relations within, are Fred Thompson's priority...
All the rest will come into place...
So, please go on by and give the price of a Starbucks for two, to Fred...
I promise that you will come to appreciate the stand you took for a weary and divided America... -M.B. xoxo

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