
Sarkozy Map: Mixed Party Delegation

Update (*'_'*) (See Below)
Sarkozy moves beyond a single party cabinet... to delegate a distinguished mix of representatives (L-R-C/L)...This marks a HUGE cornerstone in the way that Democracies might function. (Its success could MAP the Western World.)

It is true, however...After Bernard Kouchner accepted the post of FM; he was swiftly excommunicated from the Socialist party. But hey...So what!
-Read this excellent article by Nidra Poller! (PJM Paris Editor)
Article excerpt:
”Sarkozy the strategist has pulled the rug out from under the Socialists and the newly minted Centrists by appointing the wide-range government they had advocated!" more
I just barely uploaded this very complementary post of France, and (of course) meant every word of it...But now I read this:
Paris festival called off after anti-American threats
Like I said, terrorists know how to pick on countries who do not present a threat. It will take huge security time, before France can call the shots with these miserable few who hope to reign in and control this new French Government...
A prime example of the global impact of Terrorism upon the free world.

-Supported by the same type of attacks as are found here.

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