Has Sweden "Toughened-up" Hollywood?
Film Piracy threatens the survival of future Film-makers... Luckily, I can say this: Incredible solutions are already in the works to help US film Industry off-set and stop the 'tens of billions' of dollars of yearly losses...At present, Film Piracy continues to drive the costs of Film-making to an all-time-high... The clip below, is certainly a jaw-dropper!Artist's on one side; those who want "Free Content" on the other.'Piracy killed me,' says Bollywood veteranRetired after 56 years because he believes the industry is being destroyed by piracy.The Clouseau is the best-of-breed of
Internet Piracy Prevention solution."Of course it won't be well received Internationally, because even Int'l Governments support pirated film! "They hate us, but Love our Movies!"More in the World of Computers...U.S. Military to Put Internet Router in Space
Net devices arranged fractally
Researchers from the University of Notre Dame have found a clue about network complexity in the physical placement of the Internet's routers, which act as the network's traffic cops. While network models generally place routers at random intervals, in reality routers are physically arranged in a fractal pattern. "The fractal pattern is... the way the routers are placed in space," said Albert-László Barabási, a professor of physics at the University of Notre Dame.Tags: Film Artists | Piracy Hurts Artists | Film Makers Refresh to view comments: here