Our great soldiers gave their lives to enable a chance for their Freedom...
And I'm sorry to see that the Iraqis below, do not see that Democracy entitles them to receive the profits of their own country, with authority over the militants who plan to take it from them...
Today: Rally marks anniversary of Baghdad's fall
"Col. Steven Boylan, a U.S. military spokesman and aide to the commander of all U.S. forces in Iraq, praised the peaceful nature of the demonstration, saying Iraqis "could not have done this four years ago."UPDATE: General David Petraeus' Letter to the Iraqi People
"This is the right to assemble, the right to free speech – they didn't have that under the former regime," Boylan said. "This is progress, there's no two ways about it."
HT: pajamasmedia
And I say...
-Iraqis owe it to their country to pull together to provide stability to their currency! Iraqi instability curtails foreign bank presence
And Iraqis must support and enable venture capital and economic stability for which each and every Iraqi is entitled!
In return for their investments, the entrepreneurs will have a share in the products for up to 20 years. According to Industry Minister Fawzi Hariri, the country hopes to attract $750 million in investments that will cover major industries such as cement, glass, steel and petrochemicals."
Emperor Akihito with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki at imperial palace.