
Sarkozy: A Roll-call for French Culture

Whatever persists in the consciousness of man... is sure to manifest.
For the first time in the 'most memorable' of history, we see the largest country in Asia amidst abundance and financial stability… We see India with much deserved opportunity… And now after many centuries…
France might very well gain... a Father.
Jean-Paul Pélissier; Sarkozy interview publiée
Mercredi par La Provence- 3.27.07
L'élection présidentielle se jouera "dans un mouchoir de poche", déclare Nicolas Sarkozy dans une interview publiée mercredi par La Provence. continue reading.
Nicolas Sarkozy's policies change direction for France, as they prioritize in favor of 'the elderly ', and create a non-taxable student work... And Sarkozy challenges with honesty, the true issues of immigration policies which have led to a rapid deculturalization of France! #
“What is necessary, is to explain our identity and our values to new-comers... By saying, 'I respect your identity, but you respect ours.”
And, addressing the rising and 'out-of-control' immigration policies...
“If you give papers to all the families which have a child in a school, you create a die of immigration which you do not control any more”, he explains. “The fact of being a good pupil is not a sufficient criterion 'to remain in France'.”
Meanwhile... as 'Socialists' use appeasement and the Nation's Democracy, to prop-up failed immigration policies; they stand to broaden poor suburban neighborhoods...They've encouraged angry rioters and mobs to revolt... yet they've not the ability to uphold the true cultural identity of France...
Socialists attack Sarkozy after Paris clashes

With Sarkozy, there is light at the end of the tunnel...

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Charles Bremner writes : Proud French patriots ...

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