As long as one thinks “outside the box” they will realize that the core principals of Jihad is simply to create a climate of fear and distrust within a government, as Islamists gradually make the democratic system appear to be unworkable.
Bottom-line: Unless
Gates (or any choice of replacement) is willing to ink a withdraw date, there will be continued insurgence…Rumsfeld's exit is by no means an end to insurgence; but rather the end of US occupation in Iraq-- (Or) the expand of Jihad, outside Iraq.
Rumsfeld Exit: Fresh-start for Jihadists outside of Iraq?My focus was on the 'wage of the Jihadists', and not 'pressure on Rumsfeld'... But to think that Rumsfeld's resignation offers a "fresh start" to anyone other than the "Jihad-groups" is to disregard the core beliefs and modus-operandi of Islamists' Jihad. Not to mention a "blindness" of current world-events...
We need only examine how Jihadists have effected the current policies of many countries who (for the sake of safety) have applied varied forms of appeasement
to quell... Rather than to utilize “unpopular methods" of confrontation...
MB-06; “Taking the blame for Insurgence.”Amidst the uncertainty of continuing insurgence, one only needs to look at the Jihadi philosophy's rapid successes within Western European.."Socialist environments."
Will Neo-Conservatives and Ultra-Liberalists merge differences to form what may actually be on its way to becoming,” ONE PARTY”... as a result of Jihadism?Effect of Islamists' Jihad:
(Here are a few of the immediate)Lebanon: Jihadist Hizbella has incited fear within the government, leaving its people are more focused on the fear of war with Israel, than the destabilization of their government.
Iraq: Insurgence (not Rumsfeld) has created the concept of a New Democracy to be “unworkable”... to the extent that confusion, anarchy, and chaos.
France: The same "principals of Islamists' Jihadism" are applied to "submissive" France...
Britain: Popularity conscious; they exist on the second phase of Jihadism: 'Mass immigration along with fear-factoring' is crippling their government...
~~~~~~-What are the concerns of our troops in Iraq?
-Captain Ed makes an important point:
Troops Fear The Loss Of RumsfeldExcerpt: “It seems to me that any effort to "support the troops" ought to at least involve their input. If they do not see Iraq as a lost cause, then they are right to wonder why so many Americans back home do.”
(I agree 100%!)-Chad at inthebullpen highlights the different "takes" on News media:
What Does Rumsfeld’s Resignation Mean to U.S. Soldiers? Allahpundit at Hot Air: Video:
Pelosi: Iraq isn’t a war, Gannett =
“the voice of the military” -Be sure to listen to: The Glenn and Helen Show:
Austin Bay and Jim Dunnigan on Rumsfeld,
the Elections, and the War on Terror!-Steven Taylor at Outside the Beltway:
On RumsfeldExcerpt: "The whole situation from this perspective is surreal. It also reinforces the notion that the administration is out of touch."
And as always, stoptheACLU posts the ACLU reaction:
ACLU Applauds Rumsfeld’s Resignation, Calls for
Immediate Investigation Into Dereliction of Duty-And Jay later posts:
Iraq Al Qaeda Chief Says Democrat
Victory A Step In Right DirectionLawhawk at A blog for all:Welcoming the Democrat VictoryExcerpt
Al Qaeda will not be satisfied until they blow up the White House
and overtake Jerusalem. When will people realize that it doesn't
matter who is in the White House and who controls Congress - the
jihadis will not quit until they're vanquished or have....MoreInsolublog's: The Rummy ...
-Adapted from Edgar Allen Poe's the Raven (by Insolublog!)-Thanks!-
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