
Theologies of a Divided Muslim Society

Saudi Arabia, who remain the most balanced of the Arab cultures...(particularly HRH Prince Turki al Faisal) Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to the United States… Video: Prince Turki sheds light on an interesting perspective of the Modern day Cults, direction of Islam, and Arab philosophies...
-View former Question & Answer of: 3 . 13 . 06
-View Transcript
-Courtesy: Council of Foreign Relations-06
It is said that Muslims remain the most "in disbelief" as thousands of militants, with suicide belts and bombs claim to be directed by the Prophet Mohammad (PBWH), while threatening every part of our globe...
However, there are those of Islam who claim these attacks to be a political statement, and not a religious offering. None-the-less, this 180 degree shift of contradiction to the religion of Islam is (at best) indicator of a troubled and divided culture.

-Rupert Murdoch, reflecting upon the Arabic Business point-of view, examined this division, and said that Muslims would always identify themselves by religion before nationality, and warned that care needed to be taken to avoid a divided society...'Islam supersedes nationality' -Met back with Australian Federation of Islamic Councils president Rahim Ghauri, who (in later June) denied this claim, sighting that both (religion and nationality) go hand in hand...

So...I am convinced (today) that Saudi Arabia has the ability to pull together the theologies of the Middle East, in an independent fashion, to close and broker Peace... Sad, but true, examining this moment in time, we, along with the Media, appear to be adding to the current Arab cultural divisions, rather than healing it...

-Video explains the facts about the events of Bin Laden, and his first terrorist attack (in 1995) on Saudi Arabia....
-Saudi Kingdom touts a no-tolerance towards Militants, suicide-jihads
-Concerning Palestine and Hamas: Although Saudi Arabia does not claim to back Hamas government, they will only accept Hamas -IF- they follow the agreement of the Oslo, allowing a two state solution with Israel...
-Saudi Peace-participation in Iraq; and their proposals and contributions towards a World of Peace, speak of a greater stability than we are achieving...
- (March 27, 2002) -Library of facts: “The Arab League Peace Plan”
King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz
Letter to George Bush re: Sept. 11:
"God Almighty, in His wisdom, tests the faithful by allowing such calamities to happen. But He, in His mercy, also provides us with the will and determination, generated by faith, to enable us to transform such tragedies into great achievements, and crises that seem debilitating are transformed into opportunities for the advancement of humanity. I only hope that, with your cooperation and leadership, a new world will emerge out of the rubble of the World Trade Center: a world that is blessed by the virtues of freedom, peace, prosperity and harmony."
Read: 07/24/2006 -Transcript of Prince Turki
Al-Faisal’s address at Georgetown

"Today, deep cooperation between the Kingdom and the US continues, but on a broader slate of issues. If you look at the problems we’re facing today – the war on terrorism, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Palestine and Israel, energy, and now, Lebanon – none of these problems can be faced alone. The US cannot deal with these problems without us. And Saudi Arabia cannot deal with them without the US."


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