
Reagan: A Great and Optimistic Motivator

This president was perhaps, the greatest motivator in the history of our country. His patriotism was larger than life, and optimism, "catchy." And even as a small child, I remember his words of hope, when all others spoke of doom..
When the world projected its deep sorrow and despair, he provided the motivational energy that actually "kept us on course"... You felt that the sense of common decency would somehow find its way into the hearts of evil and darkness, which surround...

But this motivation wasn't "just for Americans"...

He found the necessary laughter, and empowered all those in society, the World over. Yesterday, we remembered the 2nd anniversary at which Reagan, forever left our Earth....
But his spirit "forever" lives on...

-Kim posts excellent tributes, and films, at : Wizbang's
Queen ELizabeth with Palace dinner guest: Ronald Reagan- (walker)

Reagan Quote:

"I call upon the scientific community in our country, those who gave us nuclear weapons, to turn their great talents now to the cause of mankind and world peace: to give us the means of rendering these nuclear weapons impotent and obsolete." -Ronald Reagan
Linked With:

Viva La Reagan Revolucion!

Stacy L Harp at Blog Critics:
Blogcritics.org: Remembering Ronald Reagan

Commonwealth Conservative:
Ronald Reagan Remembered

blog posts on Ronald Reagan
at The Truth Laid Bear

Third World County
Ronald Reagan the Great Communicator


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