Arab Nations claim that as an Islamic brotherhood, their obligation is to protect Palestine, by force... But not by economics? No substantial funds have been sent to these people of which Arab countries hold as Islamic brotherhood...And when you consider the billions of liquid funds in Arab treasuries, I find that very revealing...
Children of Tulkarem- And the 1250 Hamas gunmenBut even more revealing is the Arab Brotherhood's expectation that Israel should give funds to those who fail to recognize their right to exist, while acquiring bombs as a priority...
But then…Even more revealing, is the armed wing of Hamas and three other groups who have threatened Palestinian banks if they do not transfer salaries to civil servants, who remain unpaid since late February...
Hamas statement to the Bank Institutions:"The national banks were created to serve the interests of the Palestinian people. If their mission has changed and they become an instrument of the siege we will treat them as those who besiege the Palestinians," the statement signed by Hamas's
Ezzedin al-Qassam Brigades said Sunday.
AP:Stree Parade; al-Qassam Brigades~~~~~~And more disbelief:
Gunmen storm Palestinian TV to challenge AbbasExit 'World's sympathy' for Palestine's
Right to Vote for TerrorPalestinian support 'crashes' in EuropeHamas, using the same irrational thinking of which in one breath denies the state of Israel
( formed in 1948) and amidst years of Hamas disruption to the Oslo agreements, they deny
Israel's right to exist....
~~~~~~So...Is this the "Nouveau Reign of Elected Terror Government" the World has yet to accept...Or when does the World wake-up from this nightmare?
Above:- Sun Jun 4, 10:32 AM ET
Palestinian children look at members of Fatah's new special security forces deploying around the West Bank town of Tulkarem. An armed group linked to Fatah said it would deploy 1,250 gunmen on Gaza Strip borders to guard against Israeli raids in the latest move set to exacerbate tensions with the governing Hamas.
(AFP/Jaafar Ashityeh)~~~~~blog posts on Hamas at
The Truth Laid BearSoccerdad's Haveil Havalim:
Former issue:
Haveil Havalim #72- Handed Down
From the Mountaintop
Perspectives of a Nomad Hosts:
Haveil Havalim #73Linked with: thirdworldcounty Pirate’s CoveSee what the Fateh is doing to prepare:
Che Guevara Leapt through hoops
blog posts on Palestine
at The Truth Laid Bear 
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