
Mexico: Raging in America's Streets

The Mexican government is deliberately and systematically working to destabilize and undermine the very fabric and framework of American society (link).

Please check out the NumbersUSA
Vote Day Action Page: Updates throughout week.
Please read: The United Mexican States.
April 10, 2006- illegals: Mobilizing for action!

"On May 1st, the Mexican Government and it's citizens,
are planning a nation-wide street closure in 100 major
cities across America. Considering those countries
where there have been outbursts of civil unrest,
I urge you, go now: interactive notify!

-READ about other areas of the World:


Around the Spanish enclaves of Melilla and Ceuta on the northern
Moroccan coast, sub-Saharan Africans began to rush, razor-wire
fences in an effort to gain entry to the country. A Geneva-based
intergovernmental group, assisted in another flight, arranged
by the International Organization for Migration.

Intelligence studies suggest that around 20,000 immigrants
are in Algeria determined to begin their journey to Morocco
and then Ceuta and Melilla, with another 10,000 waiting in
Morocco," Mr Frattini said. "Illegal migrants who make it
into Spanish territory will, in many cases, move on to other
member states, be it France, the Netherlands or the U.K.

The border fences at the Spanish enclaves, relics of the colonial era,
were facing "massive and coordinated" assaults by migrants. Senior
Commission officials visited the region last weekend after violent
clashes and fatalities as migrants tried to scale razor-wire barriers.

Taking the total number of Malians deported on four flights of 639,
with another 689 (Wednesday and Thursday)Senegalese deported
on five flights earlier in the week. The migrants received blankets,
shoes or small bags filled with bread and milk for the flights home.
Plain clothed policemen stood by at the Oujda airport to see them
onto the plane. It is essential for the safety and survival of their
country, that they enforce their laws to protect their sovereignty
by effectively addressing the daily over-flow.
Had this been implemented earlier, France may not
have been overwhelmed with high unemployment,
destruction, and major setback towards third world.


Comparison of America's 20th century growth rate
Click of the mouse: fax from here!
Read Wizbang's links!
May 1 Illegal Immigration Protesters
Hope to Close Cities
I have created this post for: The Guard the Borders Blogburst. It is syndicated by Euphoric Reality, and serves to keep immigration issues in the forefront of our minds as we’re going about our daily lives and continuing to fight the war on terror. If you are concerned with the trend of illegal immigration in our country, join the Blogburst! Send an email with your blog name and url
to euphoricrealitynet at gmail dot com.

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