Hamas Approval: Iran’s Energy & Bombs
LGFClick-image- FOLLOW VIDEOof Iran Having a Nuclear Bomb" "Talk about chilling and Awful!"Pictured here: rally...
Anwar Raja - PFLP Rep in Lebanon:Excerpt-The Muslim, Iranian, fighting people now possess nuclear capabilities. "My brother, the Iranian representative sitting here, let me tell you that we, the Palestinian people, are in favor of Iran having a nuclear bomb, not just energy for peaceful purposes!"~~~~"America may be a lot of different things,
but naive is not one of them...It hadn't occurred
to me that "Peaceful Purposes" was in their plan.""Not with a slogan like that, below!"
WAJ"Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader.The Qur'an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.~~~~UPDATE:If you think the Hamas Video was bad:
al-Qaida's Zarqawi is in the NEWS
StoptheACLU, Posts this link to more Muslim
hate in a VIDEO of al-Qaida Leader:
Zarqawi appears in rare Web videoExpose the Left has the Video: at his site~~~~Wizbang posts some translations:
Video of Zarqawi on Internet~~~~Greyhawk at: Mudvillegazette Outsidethebeltway’s: Beltway Traffic Jamin the bull pen: Hamas and Sudan Distance from OBLprosandcons: Terrorists gravitate towards each other
Basil's: Articles of interest | Jo's Monday
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