-Image: PACE arrival: Joint Forces Command in Islamabad, Pakistan: 3/20/06
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff U.S. Marine Gen. Peter Pace reviews the Pakistani Honor Guard while visiting Islamabad, Pakistan: ~more images.
[Photo by: U.S.A.F. SSgt.Cullen]In the late 1990’s, (in their pursuit of development of nuclear weapons)...
Pakistan had become one of the world's most sanctioned nations...
(Next to Libya)...
Now, in 2006 (amidst the earthquake which took 75,000 lives) Pakistan's climb from isolation, to the path of economical prosperity finds Bilateral trade between their former rival (India) almost doubled to cross the one billion dollar mark!. According to an industry body, this trade (161 million -five years ago) now has the potential to reach 10 billion dollars by 2010...~~~~~~~~~~~~ "What a great sense of liberation! A good time to build roads?"~M.B.~~~~~~~~~~~~ Building RoadsISLAMABAD: The Prime Minister, with vision of ushering in a new era of development and prosperity in Baluchistan, announced that their Government is building a network of roads with a total cost of about Rs 35 billion to provide better linkage to Gwadar port which already has access up to Chamman through a combination of two major Coastal Highways.. story
It was Musharraf's appointment of Shaukat Aziz, which helped shift Pakistan's direction to revive their economy. With priority towards quality of life, preservation of culture and growth, he chose a path of negotiations, set aside differences with India, has set new priority for Pakistan.~~~~~~~~~~~"This is this posture which aids the possibility of a lasting Peace."~M.B.~~~~~~~~~~~~UPDATEMarch 21, 2006- 4:58PM-
President Musharraf has just completed today's successful test
of Pakistan's Hatf VII cruise missile...(the Babur) read more...Description of Babur missile: A locally developed cruise missile
with the ability to carry a nuclear warhead and hit targets
within a 500km range.~~~~~~~~~"It is so sad that Pakistan, having just lost 75,000 people to a tragic earthquake, is busy this morning, testing bombs which violate
their test notification treaty with India!...
So much that they could jeopardize! (See below) ~M.B.~~~~~~~~~~~1. Pak and India: : Bilateral negotiations: to combat crime.(A topic that the two sides had discussed in 1989.)
2. Pak & India: disaster management and weather forecasting.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Dan Melson of Searchlight Crusade
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