
Breaking the Deadlock

Rice calls for a Palestinian state
11-14-2005 08:55

US Secretary of State, Dr Rice having arrived in Israel, was called to action as a fresh new intermediary, to provide momentum for a rapid progression of the second phase of the road map. This was a move, crucial to progress, since the Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip.

A crucial diplomacy needed, to help break the deadlock...

In a statement, confirmed by Mark Regev, an Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman, who said that Dr Rice could provide "incremental" assistance...

"She could help to get things done."

Understanding the Clinton position with Israel, as they arrived (simultaneous with arrival of Dr. Rice) I believe that although it may appear to be in the best interests of Israel, the Clinton involvement in the peace process is the 'kiss of death' to the Israeli/Palestinian success, as America struggles to provide a neutrality towards the implementation of the road map.

The Clinton involvement provides distancing between Israel and the newly forming Palestinian National Authority . Now at a time when the ability to develop trust determines the entire fate of the region, these Clinton politics (at one time recognized to be a representation to the Values of America) now further deter the ability for the current administration to adapt new strategies.

"Personal politicking will only assist in reinforcing the deadlock."...M.B.

Advancing relations between both Israel and Palestine require no confusion as to our intention, if we are to assist with the road map to integrate a livable and secure environment for both Palestine, and Israel. This is the goal of a Democracy.

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