-VIDEO: He came forward one day, in 2009: [VIDEO]
Like a breath of Fresh Air...
Cain is an alternative to the "elite" destruction, now dismantling our country.. Offering REAL solutions, echoed in our Constitution... To lead this nation from an "entitlement" society; to an "empowerment" society.
And now he steps-up to the plate, to save our Nation!!
-VIDEO: What crowds are saying:[VIDEO]
What Herman Cain, is saying....
Amongst the MANY policies (in harmony with all parties) Herman Cain supports abolishing the IRS and imposing a Fair tax... Here he is, straightening out the MYTH of "Fair tax is a tax cut for the wealthy"....
As Americans find themselves in a grid-lock inflationary spiral.... Time for an "outsider" Leader with the moral assessment of love for country and Liberty... Ready to scrap the failing programs, and rebuild; to regain the humility of our nation's highest office...
And divert from the train wreck, called "Marxism"....

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