
Kudlow hosts Cain on CNBC: (Must view)

-Posted by D.C. Worth, for Barbay (France/US)

Kudlow interviews potential 2012 candidate, Herman Cain... And with a few words (below); Americans are also examining the potential reality of dominant Media, dwindling freedoms, and "increased" & unaddressed debt....

"This is not rocket science"... Herman Cain explains...[Read]

In my view, Mr. "breath of fresh air" might be what the American people need, to BALANCE the rapidly 'forced" debt; and seemingly imminent destruction of our Freedoms... We know that Cain (not Int'l "Elitist-controlled") candidate would face a far more difficult terrain; from Media, & foreign handlers of U.S. policy....

But only the People can return control of their Nation, keep our defense strong; and exit the Elitist system; in order to reform it...

-One should be reminded... We are choosing the fate of future generations; not just our own immediate future... There is no question as to what we face, if further "harvest and needless dismantle" continues...

VIDEO CAPTION: "If you’re looking for a Republican presidential candidate with an economic and fiscal message that makes sense, this might be your guy. Not everything he says is going to work – as much as you might like to see the GOP refuse to raise the debt ceiling, the crash program of budget-balancing that would bring on would have to eat into entitlements and defense to succeed – but he’s pretty much golden on everything else. And it’s nice to see a guy running for president who looks comfortable in his own skin for a change." -Kudlow

As Elitist's "Global Fix & Destroy"... Continues its work:
Today - Monday, May 9, 3:22 PM Brazil faces "deindustrialization" due to the strength of the real, claims the head of Siemens' Brazilian operations, arguing for the possible imposition of further currency controls. High real rates have failed to cool the economy or bring down inflation as money from the developed world continues to flow into the country. EWZ -4.2% YTD.

-VIDEO: Believe in America, & then stand back to let her recover:
Herman Cain... He came forward one day (2009) [VIDEO]
Like a breath of Fresh Air...

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