-In addition, Ryan explains:
"Obamacare also puts in place a 15 panel board ration of Medicare by unelected Bureaucrats…
Our Budget repeals the rating, gets rid of the rationing board, preserves this program; makes no changes for a person 55 years of age or older; and saves Medicare… Reforming it for (upcoming) Generation; so it is solvent."
-By the way... (R) Rep Ryan is the right person for VP spot...
But only if VP slot was upgraded to 'acting legislator liaison'.
The role at Biden levels, is too limited; therefore wasteful for Ryan's fiscal Conservative excellence, as chairman of the budget committee.
-And as was also mentioned at hotair:A VP as focal point for Domestic issues; whilst the President is more focused on external\foreign policy issues... But right now, fiscal Conservative principals are the only direction of recovery, to impact GDP growth...
If a President used their VP as their legislator liaison... The Ryan VP role could be a full time role, where-by a VP Ryan could take questions from the media weekly in the White Press room... With his experience since 1998; he would act as a reality-check in WH spending for the American people...
Today's Links..
Paul Ryan: No, Seriously, You Guys Do Remember That Obama Cut Trillions From Medicare, & Plans To Death-Panel Away Trillions More, Right? [ACE]
Lawmakers pan Obama's plan to crackdown on for-profit colleges: [read] ...Making Watergate look tame, day after day.
VIDEO: We the People...Have had enough of ZERO [View]

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