Using CBO figures, the Ryan budget fixes debt, while preserving entitlements... And clearly does not touch present, or coming next decade Senior benefits or care; as it enables reform of a 'soon to be bankrupt' Social Security program...
Video dispels several myths...
VIDEO (Two futures, visualized) [VIEW]
-Ryan's Path (Senate still hasn't read) [PDF]
Americans voted (2010) for the IMMEDIATE elimination of restrictive policy against job producers of our nation; and to balance the safety net that perilously remains "unlimited."
FactCheck.Org: Obama Repeatedly Lied In Critique of Ryan Plan gatewaypundit via @gatewaypundit
Government should not be sacrificing the forward prosperity of our Nation; for 'voter block' welfare-state construction... As we see Soros' Americans United is running new ads against several GOPers over Ryan's budget...
Today's war on Senator Ryan House Budget Committee Chairman; comes after his clear and urgent call to move beyond the petty politics; to help our nation exit this crisis...
Today's Links...
Obama's own policies are driving the very speculators
he's railing against in regard to fuel prices [CDR M]
[Open Blogger]
From Daniel Mitchell:
Senator Rubio, Representative Posey, and other Lawmakers Fighting to Stop IRS Proposal that Would Drive Investment from U.S. Economy: [Read]

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