Image: enzo leprai,"Fear of clowns"
-From Van Helsing: [video]
One only needs to take a look at Democrat's lack of expanded adoption programs, dwarfed by late-term abortion funding...
They no longer support successful abstinence and 'aids-preventions' programs in Africa, as Conservatives have... And plopped the cost of African abortions onto U.S. Tax-payers; immediately struck-down by the right...
I pray for a miracle to rid this decay away from Gov control...

ht: Van Helsing & Dystopic PC.
Update: As TSA grabs passengers, Obama Team Grabs Land:
M. Malkin points to more "lame duck" policy cram... [read]
"The Obama War on the West is a War on Jobs that extends from land to sea based on politicized junk science by executive fiat and czar evasion." ..A must [read]

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