"Only Full employment can balance the budget"...JFK
Excellent (2-min) video debate...
Video (ht/bigfurhat)
Also credited to the czar of defenestration...
Kennedy was today's Conservative; speaking from the center of the political spectrum... And (in my view) would have venomously rejected the Left's numerous "business stifling" policies; in favor of GOP's solutions. [view]
Obama Has Added More to National Debt...
Than Washington Thru Reagan -- COMBINED
The "Progressive" Dems of today, don't want tax-cuts or sensible fiscal changes to government which would reduce (voter-left) benefits; because strengthening our national fiscal position, would decrease the power of their "agenda" of central Government...
History appears to indicate that Kennedy and his brother's views, would have presented a challenge to the Obama Team... An arguably detrimental position; as (sadly) pound for policy, might even have served an ethics probe, as distinguished member of Select Committee on Labor (1952).
Today's Links...
VIDEO: Democrats “Estate Tax” = Double Taxation: [view.]
Kate w/ young Americans: "We have a spending problem in this country!"
Evan Gassman... At Young Americans:
VIDEO: Young People Getting Sick of Obama [view]
From the bungling of the oil spill, has a lot to do with this sudden dip.
Not excluding being saddled with historic "Mass Debt" [more]