
Omygosh, I almost forgot, it's FLAG Day!

-Posted by D.C. Worth, for Barbay (France/US)

Reminded by illustr8r (video below)...
And remembering the Army's 234th birthday! :)

-111th Congress can't even keep its hands off Flag Day...
Obama "Proclaims" Flag Day/Week...
Another Congressional order [89 Stat. 211]; Command of Flag raising, gatherings, public recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance... And after 233 years of already celebrating the Freedom of Flag Day... Obama signs a Proclamation...

Today's Links...
-Gov Christie Town Hall meeting tomorrow: #
-Not our Governor; but the whole Nation will be watching...

-Happy Birthday, Old Glory! IMAGE.

-Story of Flag Day: From Hotair

-Star Spangled Banner: Cactus Cuties

-Audio: I am the Flag... HERE.

-Wsj: Video: Jumbo Flags Fly in India... VIEW.
-Nayeen Jindal creates an inspiration of Love of Country & Independence; as is expressed in the symbol of one's National Flag...Nice video. #

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