As Obama Team holds the Natural Gas Act hostage to get their top political agenda, "cap and trade" passed... Dems bundle energy bills with "Job-kill" legislation which threatens job-placement... It will prove crucial to make the connection that a 9.7% unemployment rate is Tax-payer's no-confidence vote... This "Gotcha policy" is Tyranny...
Americans want OUR energy access, but don't want millions more jobs purged; or a centralized GOV to tax & intrude on every aspect of our lives.
T-Boone (interviewed below) raises good points, but does not address this concern... But also keep in mind; he's also a Gas-King... *<[;o)~~
Eyecon Video Productions-
T Boone Pickens Interview from Greg Coon on Vimeo.
We must also continue with business Tax-incentives... But SCRAP the "Platitudinous" policy; as will only serve to further erode confidence in Government... High unemployment has moved this Administration into a credibility-crisis bubble; ready to burst in 2010/12...
Today's Links...
VIDEO: WYNN Highlights Econ-policy That Dems Passed Up: VIEW.
We were all supposed to work for Unions, drive tiny cars, listen to one station, vote one party... But (once again) Democrats blew the opportunity to create 5% unemployment without mass bailouts... And now Democrats are dragging with Nuclear energy; while failing to approve a SIMPLE clean Gas Bill.
-Preferring "regime-building" to turning the country around...Dem's central planning over-reach; is sabotaging our recovery.