Two semi-truck loads full of hay material, and 20 to 50 thousand square feet of a cotton-nylon fiber retention fence; are used as specific defense to protect the County's
Hay is a green product safe to the environment, & native to the area ... And this looks like another private sector innovation hoping to clean-up another Government bureaucratic mess... (Emphasis, mine)
This method is hoping to keep the DP spill from threatening Walton County's
-white sand & emerald waters, tourist industry...
"Once it comes in contact with the oil, the hay will clump together, almost like seaweed... Then workers can pick-up the oil, right along with the hay."
Fencing is deployed if it becomes apparent that the oil soaked hay has moved past the collection vessels...
-GeoHay's new green type 4 belted silt retention fence fiber:
-VIDEO: Watch the tractor demonstration: VIEW!
County officials submitted the plan to the Department of Environmental Protection, but say they're not waiting to begin their preparations.
"We are awaiting approval; however that's not hindering the actions we're taking now. I think the people expect us, and it's incumbent upon us, to go ahead and be proactive and not wait on the bureaucracy of the government to catch up" adds Adkinson... read.
-Video at Ft. Walton Beach, Florida: VIEW.
-VIDEO: So far, luckily no sign of oil: VIEW.
-VIDEO: Pristine Beaches of Fort Walton and Okaloosa Island, Florida; are a source of pride & joy: VIEW.
-Images: Protecting Draper Lake: Here and Here.