The most that many hoped for, was a man-made spending freeze.... But apparently, nature took the upper-hand...
Pictures on the net show doors unable to open... And otherwise our Nation's Capital came to an even bigger Halt...
Image: Wash. D.C; in deep
In other parts of the eastern U.S... "Mild to horrific" storms close airports, strand motorists... (more below)
-Lovely Video (below) taken 4 days ago (1/30) in Virginia (near D.C.)
-Minuet Sur Le Norm D'Haydn by Eric Himy,!
Birds in Snow Storm from William Hollinger jr on Vimeo.
Lovely in California... A few sprinkles on the Lake amidst a purple sky.
Will do a follow-up on the NASA Launch; 4:AM EST from Florida...
If its still on.... Think Good Thoughts.
Today's Links...
Snowstorm paralyses DC and eastern US
3 hours ago CBS News
State of Emergency:
As Blizzard Brings Washington D.C. To a Halt ## - 12 hours ago
Mid Atlantic States receive full wrath of this storm and it's headed...Read