
Massachusetts right & center voters look to impact real change

-Posted by D.C. Worth, for Barbay (France & US)

Today, as numerous policy and procedures, venomously rejected by the people, await passage... Nothing lends more proof to the importance of voice through the ballot box...
Only 36% of Likely Mass. Voters Support Obamacare;
Only 48% Approve of Job Obama's Doing: READ.
instapundit:"Is this Smart? Obama to double down if Brown wins.

And hoping we can spot, report, and prevent more of the left's ACORN-style election fraud... Massachusetts Senate race: Voter Fraud watch: VIDEO.

More than 600,000 on Massachusetts Voter Rolls Had Died or Moved, Nonpartisan Analysis Discovered: Read.

Many of us have yet to receive answers to many questions, such as...
Where's the missing 70+ billion from the "stimulus"?"... Why is the President using Tax-payer funded groups to campaign against citizen's elections? .... Why are Dem's pay-offs (used to reverse our Representative's decisions) not called "bribes?" ... Why is a Democrat TAX felon STILL writing our TAX code?

Many more questions...
And the answers start in Massachusetts.

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