
Mahmoud criticizes arrogant colonialists; Ignores complexities of an atomic Grid

-Posted by D.C. Worth, for Barbay (France/US)

The Iranian leader remarks, "We can do without them; but they cannot do without us." Same wobbly-border Persians from the HUB.

He remarks that isolating Iran is laughable... In my view, it's the realization that their adventures are not isolated; which sparks the most concern... Over 90% have reservations about a ramped-up, multi-layered program; now stacked near the 'proxy-maker's' fault-zones.

Iran is amassed with weaponry; and boasts of new enrichments. Completely missing the science and geometry of a shared GRID.


Video below, in his own words...

Today's links...
Iran: Ahmadinejad's Bahrain Visit:
New Piece In Complex Pattern

Iran's parallel proxy attacks: #.
"To establish itself as the dominant regional power and reshape the region in its own ideological image." What we know: Read.
Wow, sure sounds like Colonialism, to me...

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