
Dems prevent Bush reforms of Gov entitlement programs (2001-2008)

-Posted by D.C. Worth (for Barbay)

Bottom 3 colors (in chart) are a massive Gov engine spending; as Democrats prevent Bush critical reform point (arrow: 18.8% GDP)
Image: SBO: 2005 [ENLARGE]

FACT: Privatisation of Social Security would have resulted in a redistribution of power from the state to tax-payers, thus enhancing personal freedom, promoting faster economic growth, and raise in savings rate.

Bush formal efforts (2001-2007) which include his 2005 Soc. Sec. Privatization Act; would have created a rise in private surplus, & a trim-back on Congressional earmarks.
VIDEO: Bush explains (04-5) to CNBC

Note: These were meaningful reforms that did not require money to be pulled out of the private sector.. Dems think that "private sector" is Government sector; and therefore misrepresent program (scare seniors)

Must View Video below; Bush Warns:
"Rising Costs of Government Entitlements is not going away."
(To the Cheers of 2006 Dem Majority)

Democrat actions resulted in enhanced borrowing & savings depletion; by preventing reform of the Soc. Sec. & medicare system... Today, reality catches up with Dems, who say Bush did nothing to reform Soc Sec!

More entitlement reforms, rejected by Democrat Party...
VIDEO: Bush’s seventeen formal warnings about Freddie & Fannie (2004-2008) and demands to reign them in, were rejected by Dems: VIEW.

Democrat-run Freddie & Fannie were distributors of:
Carter’s 1977 Community Reinvestment Act.
Dems enacted "lending laws" passed in numerous states which outlaw such fees, prohibiting banks from protecting themselves from the added risk involved in making forced loans to "subprime" borrowers.

In 2009, Obama bails-out (twice bankrupt) F & F
And develops the:
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009-- "Poorly designed" it was probably one of the reasons why we’ve lost 3 million private-sector jobs since it became law. Read more.

And on the subject of job-loss:
Democrat Majority controlled Congress (Since the 2006 November midterm elections) And Full Democrat Majority House, January, 2007... Note DECLINE in employment fig; with Dem Majority...

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