
60's hippie family start homegrown revolution in the middle of the city

-Posted by D.C. Worth, for Barbay (in US!)

This video was 2007; and regardless if you agree about defense or troops; they are correct about large Corporations. (more below)

And I also agree... Growing food represents Freedom...
To which Dem party-line moves to enact: HR 875, HR 759, to appease big farm (Monsanto) lobbyists; thus targeting small "organic" farms. VIEW!

I'm not of the 60's and 70's era... But it appears that Freedom was (perhaps) taken for granted, by many... I also believe that this appreciation was restored, by many of us born in the US, 1980's! :)

Maybe we will make a renew of what our Grandparents sought and gave to this country, prior to the 60's. This will take effort to come together to provide unity in the elections progress, before 51% become Government servants... Look at voting records to identify those who vote against Constitutional principals; and vote to support Freedom of the people...

Today's Links...
The Global Climate Contract: PDF
An Enhanced Action of:
Global transfer of Technology, resources & investment (from U.S.A.)

Republicans: Graham, DeMint Introduce Balanced Budget Constitutional Amendment" Read.

Americans for a Balanced Budget Amendment: read.

Read Cato's Policy Analysis and Proposal: Here.

VIDEO: (Auz) Alan Jones comments on Copenhagen climate change: Read.
He says people are starting to realize what’s really going on...(haha)

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