
Video Conversations with Nassim Taleb (concerning bonuses, bail-outs, etc)

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France) and US

Just discovered Nassim Taleb, who has written and spoken about a subject that many on the far left, simply do not seem to grasp. For the most part, 'converting debt into equity.'

VIDEO: View.

We're seeing risky bank practices rewarded, and subsidized by tax-payers... And while solutions remain in Dem's hands, tax-payers continue to face more exploitation... As more & more debt bureaucracy emerges.

View: Nassim Taleb in conversation w/ David Cameron (22 min)
Video from Aug (09) ...Excellent points. HERE.

In an article at trueslant:
Nancy Miller says, "We need the bulwark of capitalism restored. We need to know that a bank can fail and the system will barely hiccup." Read.
-Dr. "H" is shocked about the extent of Democrat's Multi-Tax.

Someone didn't study their history...
'Rich' New Yorkers Fleeing at Alarming Rate: read.

Nassim Taleb, eight months ago...

Back then, Nassim Taleb had suggested compartmentalization of institutions; but now, as tax-payers assume risky bank's debt-burden; Democrat's "too big to fail" is crushing small banks. The far left is not the group to nationalize. (There's vanishing public trust.)

UPDATE: Uh-oh... Now it's "Death Panels for Big Banks... Read.

Nassim Taleb with renowned Psychologist Daniel Kahneman
(Starts slow, but worth the 55 min) 9 mo. ago...
B.O. sued banks to force them to make risky loans; perhaps (end of video) explains why he is so knowledgeable in creative financing and loan marketing pkgs... Nassim Taleb (a while back) refused to lecture at [CRA], unless they discontinued teaching these damaging Marketing techniques...

But, as the far-left also refused Conservative's incentive recovery; where's their profit and loss statement for converting Capitalist to Socialist economy?

Freedom of the markets (not propped failure) remains the most congruent way at which toxic assets are purged, and the only logical way that balance can be restored...
And, as Mr. Taleb insists, private citizens should not be exposed to bank sector risk...

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