Notice how "human well-being" is not mentioned as an end-point to ecological reform; but rather states "sustainability" is its explicit end-point...
Video (below) is less political critique of ecological objectives.
VIDEO: (Part 2) Critique of Eco- Econ VIEW!
-Read (1977) Strategy to Redirect Our Civilization [PDF]
He grades Eco-Econ: 40%; details its strong points and its short-comings... I do agree with his critique, as "well-being" should be primary focus...
VIDEO Obama meets w/ HU: (Clip: 1.29-min)
Note the missing conversation...
Pop up Video (wsj) VIEW.
It seems wrong just to rush to pass policy... This is a journey of civilization, and to evade full disclosure, in order to persuade or pacify social norms; is completely unacceptable...
-Free download (or: hard-cover)
(Rotering's critique recognizes the attributes of capitalism, that we might re-invent/re-calculate our future; via independent human logic.)
Outline Of A Green Economic Theory: Needs and Limits: [PDF]
A Green economic theory must begin with a clear economic objective, one that is consistent with the Green worldview and that provides the necessary focus for the theory's concepts. [PDF]