
Shock! MSM finally shows that they can do investigative journalism! (Video: petty)

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France) and US

They're the "spit-shine" for truly obvious Obama mistakes...
Glossing-over relevant information; as their standard journalist practice of 'never bothering to investigate.' Giving their little "twist and spin" to such serious issues as: Obama "temporarily bypassing the Senate’s constitutional role" which points to circumvention...
(A flagrantly impeachable offense)

But as soon as they do a little homework; they don't hesitate a minute to reaffirm the prominent role of the blogger community...
Alphabet Media actually accuses them of "SPIN"
View this from the eliminators of crucial content:

No wonder large majorities no longer view MSM, due to unethical reporting. It's the only place where they can view the opposite of what really happened...

MSM is our biggest failure... They didn't report on Freddy and Fannie, and only report on war casualty, when the opponent is President....

How does it it feel to be responsible for "world-wide" censorship?

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