
Keep defense budget; cut Gov Mass-Media!

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France) US Visit

A Media that is somehow committed to directing Americans away from challenging Governmental law exploits... While Media "targets or dismisses" Americans according to party lines; playing direct interference in the judicial process... without a single scrape!

View old clip of Walter ('world court/global government') Cronkite; describing Media's true agenda, in a private award show...VIDEO: VIEW.
(Giving up your sovereignty, to Int'l 'gangs' of greater good.)

And in Video (below)... I'm not a fan of conspiracy theories... But it's easy to see that Americans are paying to furnish this Administration with massive 'smoke-screen' Government Media; & have become targets of 'partisan' divides.

(They should loose the "industrial complex" bit; as everyone trusts our troops)

Partisan politics is more important to the Government & its Media, than "we the people"... Notice how the Government uses Media to invalidate or isolate 'ONE' party...Or to exploit, under an 'extremist label.'

Media shills, launch rifts... But I stand alongside fellow American: 'Democrats, Conservatives, and Independents'... Who are equally concerned about the effects of Mass Government 'over-spending!'

Today's Links...
Government Grew 36% in 100 days read.

The new Obama system would soon see (some) private business tax at 67%. Enabling increased Government spending, at the expense of private business. The same system collapsed in Russia, and would eventually collapse, here... Two Simple Videos explain what small business should know.
VIDEO: Obamanomics: Part One: "The Hidden Agenda"
VIDEO: Obamanomics: Part Two:
"The Hidden Agenda"

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