
Obama porkulus horror of 2009- passes

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France) (US trip!)

Liberals approve their 1,073 page trillion-dollar Federal dole-out without reading or understanding its contents... The Pelosi Administration's rush to vote: ALL Republicans and 7 Democrat voted NO...Liberals revoked their own transparency vote, failing to provide online access, 48 hours before vote.

More will be revealed, as final version was available last night...
VIDEO: ht: hotair recaps the final minutes, a plea, and more

One congressman starts reading the porkulus...
I suggest that you read the bill...House Version PDF
To see how it is "intended" to effect Nation...

Republican Study Committee Chairman Tom Price
VIDEO: ht: gateway

As Michelle points out... Buried in the porkulus conference report, include a provision specifically targeting governors who would exercise the choice to refuse stimulus money.

I also question its legality, and also see this as a complete federal usurpation of states’ budget processes. More later...

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