
'New' politi-science is old; as innovators become rebels who face prison of silence

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France) (US trip!)

Just how many thousands of years are we behind in technological advancements, due to power-plays, and suppressed theories treated as heresy? Today, as current administrations pursue individual power, via the same backward path; we'll find 'as little solution in our life-times' as those who imposed limitations, in the archives of history...
Image: Galileo accurately describes moon, via handmade telescope;
Rebel faces: Prison, silence, & blindness

Counterpunch blog:
"Is Global Warming a Sin?"

From Glen Reynolds:
JOHN TIERNEY: Pure Politics In The Guise of Science: "Why, since President Obama promised to ‘restore science to its rightful place’ in Washington, do some things feel not quite right?"

It seems to me that...
It took thousands of years to enable the freedom which brought great contributions and innovators, such as those of NASA; whose credibility was established outside the realms of directed outcome... Today, Obama team's "Liberalnasa" only condones data findings supportive of their result...
"For power, for control, to dominate w/out opposition." Science R.I.P.

NASA satellite crashes minutes after launch
CNN - February 24, 2009 Politicians envisioned a mission, focused on taxation benefits; rather than to further earth's prevailing discovery of Science.
Without evolving Science, there becomes evolving conspiracy...

Today's Links...
Qando.net: About "cap and trade"
Nov 4, 2008 ... Not only has the EU’s cap-and-trade failed to actually reduce carbon ... Incentives work much better than laws as Europe has shown..

Carbon-trading scheme gets underway in US - environment
Sep 29, 2008... This has failed in Europe and will fail here. As far as the cap and trade concept was successful with sulfur dioxide emissions.
Park lists seven warning signs of voodoo science.

IMAGE ABOVE: Galileo Bookplates Edward Lord Suffield and Thomas Clifford Allbutt; Among the most moving incidents of Milton's Italian journey was his visit in Florence to the great astronomer Galileo, now blind and still living under restrictions for (in Milton's acerbic summary from Areopagitica, 1644) "thinking in Astronomy otherwise than the Franciscan and Dominican licencers thought." Milton refers to one of Galileo's hand-made telescopes in Paradise Lost, Book I, when he describes the "moon, whose orb/Through optic glass the Tuscan artist views/At ev'ning from the top of Fiesole."sc.edu library

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