
So we're making earth, cold?

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France) (US trip!)

Is man is pushing earth toward an ice-age? If yes, I'd at least like to see the science on this... And if no, maybe 'merging ice-age' isn't a "taxable" kind of frost? Stoppable? Predictable?

Maybe the 232 year old 'evil empire' helped to prolong it? (Haha)

(left) Woolly Mammoth
(Yellowstone Buffalo)

And, as I mentioned earlier...
Yellowstone seismic activity, continues... story.

Why is it considered alarmist, to speak about the high potential hydrothermal explosion (low-potential volcanic activity) Yellowstone; of which known reactivity reflects a spew in 640,000 year intervals (of low-inhabited history) consisting of entirely unprovoked and consistent explosions; equal to 60 million atom bombs?

Obviously, with capability to impact World-wide extinction...
Not urgent enough to be on Gore's "to stop" mailing list? (see below)

The Point is:
It sounds like a good time to bring back the 'disgraced and banned' dissident "CO-2 program wrecker" IPCC Scientists (into the fold) ... Since many of the world's 'earth-change displaced' will benefit from additional Science; to provide solutions which enable a (likely) "ice-age" work-around...

Today's Links...
Inquisition or scientific investigation?
Water vapor's absorption spectrum also overlays that of carbon dioxide. They cannot both absorb the same energy! The relative might of water vapor and relative weakness of carbon dioxide is exemplified by the extraordinary cooling experienced each night in desert regions, where water in the atmosphere is nearly non-existent. read more.

Britain's human history revealed...
Eight times humans came to try to live in Britain and on at least seven occasions they failed - beaten back by freezing conditions. read.

Next Ice Age delayed by rising CO2 levels...
Future ice ages may be delayed by up to half a million years by our burning of fossil fuels. That is the implication of recent work by Dr Toby Tyrrell of the University of Southampton's School of Ocean and Earth Science at the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton. more.

-Purchase e-book: HERE.
"The post-fossil fuel long-term equilibrium state could differ from the pre-anthropogenic state by as much as 50% for total dissolved inorganic carbon and alkalinity and 100% for atmospheric pCO2, depending on the total amount of future emissions." read.

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