Rourke's return to Cinema, captured the character’s life, dynamic scenes of the film... And with sharp parallels...
More Images:
FILM MAGIC:Darren Aronofsky's, "The Wrestler" casts the magic of Rourke; leaving audiences following the life of a persevering, "I can do it" wrestler...
A unique story of determination...
"An electrified performance"...
(Opposite Evan Rachel Wood, who plays his long-lost daughter) Waaaaaa...
Official trailer: BIG SCREEN.
Note, mature parts of this clip (rated "R")
Rourke's training was grueling, and training, second to none...
-Venice (Ca) is also the home of Denzel-training... (Links below)
Doing cuts & bruises... The 'Rourke-way'.
Today's Links...
Mickey Rourke as Crimson Dynamo in Iron Man 2?
Mickey Rourke may have wrestled his way into Jon Favreau's Iron Man sequel.
-From 4 hours ago
Gold's Gym: The Mecca of Bodybuilding (Venice Beach, CA)
The history...View. And here.
The place to train a few months before a photo-shoot, or film...
Fly in, and they'll make you shockingly dynamic! Read.
- Honest... (2000!)
WWE and TNA respond to 'The Wrestler'
Mickey Rourke's performance is nothing short of sensational. His portrayal of an over-the-hill wrestler struggling to find his ...WWE
BBC News
Mickey Rourke for 'Iron Man 2,' 'Twilight' & 'The Force.'
- 4 hours ago