And then found Architect Rice's holestichouseplans! We will return to a deepening understanding of the art & functionality of Sacred Geometry.
-View related Videos: LINK
Biologic Architecture is the pure principle set of rules for design, construction and land use - which utilizes the necessary 'fractal' or rose like symmetry / shape of electric fields which allow all living systems to thrive. read.
And in the video (below) we see how his structures become a part of the environment & natural effects, as earth dances w/ the sun & moon...
From Tobler’s First Law of Geograph... (Erwin Josephus Raisz; 1893 - 1968)
"Everything is related to everything else; but near things are more related than distant things."
While (inside earth) we try to contemplate the series of loops... Remember that predictions of thousands of years ago, reveal geometry from outside earth... We have only to look at its consideration, planeteral scope, & graph, as evidenced in ancient computers...
View Amazing Video of ancient Computer! Here.
Calendrical Calculations using Sacred Geometry...
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Published by Cambridge University Press. Gives a unified algorithmic presentation of the Gregorian, ISO, Julian, Coptic, Ethiopic, and Islamic civil ...
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