"The fourth Amendment and the personal rights it secures have a long history at the very core stands the right of man to retreat into his own home and there be free from unreasonable government intrusion."
-U.S. Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart
American citizen's private records, readied for Media consumption...
This lenient Judicial ruling concerning multiple counts of Gov. Data Breach, should send a sharp warning to all Americans of the serious challenges we face, concerning privacy... As evidenced during the US Presidential Election.
ht: hotair: Joe the Plumber snoop gets a month’s suspension
The ACLU claims to be a National Leader in working to guarantee that individuals may determine how and when others can gain access to their personal information...But turns out that Joe was in the wrong group for American Civil Liberties support...
Joe has yet to receive contact concerning this huge Violation of privacy...
(Which, I might add, was obtained & freely distributed by US Media, and their candidate.)
Update: Here!
What are the rules for Gov. employee 'unauthorized' data-breach?
5/23/2007--Reported to Senate amended.
Personal Data Privacy and Security Act of 2007 -
Title I - Enhancing Punishment for Identity Theft and Other Violations of Data Privacy and Security
-Section 102 -
Imposes a fine and/or prison term of up to five years for intentionally and willfully concealing a security breach involving sensitive personally identifiable information that causes economic damage to one or more persons. Defines "sensitive personally identifiable information" to include an individual's name in combination with his or her social security number, home address, date of birth, biometrics data, or financial account information.
GovTrack.us. S. 495--110th Congress (2007): Personal Data Privacy and Security Act of 2007, GovTrack.us (database of federal legislation)
And the Abuses Go On, and On….
Dot gov abuse... The Misuse of a Domain Intended for Government Bodies; used for Partisan Political Purposes. Ace
I think I liked the "legal way" of processing new laws, instead of just "breaking them" ...It seemed more.. you know, "Constitutional."