
They View an America with Few values

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)

It is of concern that 'lack of convictions' and 'wavering positions' feed directly into the hands of groups who dominate public view...
[Enlarge Image] Time: Paris Quote (Obama 05)

I deplore racism, but few understand that Racism does not originate from the existence of ‘races’. It captures conflict between entitlement and inferiority; and thus stems from the most 'dangerous to liberty and equality'... Superiority.
Most, entangled in the paranoia of racism, and those who deliver a thoughtless blow; should take lesson from America's Italians... Call this courteous, because it was 'they' who were the least complaining and (probably) the most discriminated against... And yet, they dealt with it. And in their flight from disease and starvation between (1870 and 1907) they became a treasure to society...
Changing America to please the World... Good luck with that.
My Grandparents explained that the greatest part of America, was the people who came; not to challenge American Society... But to bring what they knew, and become a part of American values."
Image: Le Popolov

In conclusion... I'm not too interested in a U.S. President who thinks that America has FEW values... Because we've all seen many around the world who have impoverished their people; and others who impose restrictive policy, to control every aspect of free will...

Be it, America will embrace improvements... But the core of America is wholly perfect, wholly participant, and most importantly, wholly desired. Americans are the most participant, most loyal, of ANY Nation in the World.

Today's Links....
Hotair posted the Comedy Central Video:
Stewart skewers the left’s paranoia over McCain’s ads
Warning: Some Language (not for children)

Unionization Without Choice: Read.

"The order of the world is always right -- such is the judgment of God. For God has departed, but he has left his judgment behind, the way the Cheshire Cat left his grin." - Jean Baudrillard

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