Worth the view! NASA Team goes to China! View exploratorium site which follows the eclipse from China to space.
Image: Drudge/China Eclipse
The Brits watched too! VIDEO.
You don't have to be in Greenland or Mongolia to get a front-row seat for Friday's total solar eclipse... But it wouldn't hurt... And (of course) flying over Nova Scotia: It's NASA TV!
The eclipse will sweep across Earth in a narrow path that begins in Canada’s northern province of Nunavut and ends in northern China’s Silk Road region at sunset...
Best locations: Parts of Canada, northern Greenland, the Arctic, central Russia, Mongolia, and China. More great NASA Video Here.If you miss this one... Don't worry...
Future Total Eclipses Visible from China:
During the next 90 years, there will be 7 more total solar eclipses visible from China on July 22, 2009; March 20, 2034; Sept 2, 2035; April 30, 2060; August 24, 2063; April 21, 2088; October 4, 2089.. :)
Remembering this total eclipse, in England! (LIVE)
Incredible Imagery (Video) HERE.
Einstürzende Neubauten - Total Eclipse of the Sun...
Superstitions have entertained many cultures throughout the ages...
View 4th-century BC star map in China:
Constellations as seen by ancient Chinese Astronomers
Image Caption (above)...
The total eclipse, a week before the Beijing Olympics; will spook the superstitious but Chinese authorities have no reason to fear for the Games, astrologers and feng shui experts say...
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Credit: (c) Fred Bruenjes (moonglow.net)