Aurora Borealis over
Manicouagan Reservoir
NASA Satellites Discover What Powers Northern Lights: Story.Links New Windows...
"As they capture and store energy from the solar wind, the Earth's magnetic field lines stretch far out into space. Magnetic reconnection releases the energy stored within these stretched magnetic field lines, flinging charged particles back toward the Earth's atmosphere," said David Sibeck, THEMIS project scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. "They create halos of shimmering aurora circling the northern and southern poles."
Harnessing... earth's magnetic shield. Close-up: here.
Structure of the magnetosphere: Map
"Cluster constellation orbits through the stream of solar ions pouring in through a crack in the magnetosphere." More.
NASA: Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station: Read. Large Image: here.
Arctic Wisdom:
(VIDEO) Friend’s Travels: To elders of Nunavut territory!
-Back to Italy, until Wednesday (30th) Have a nice Day!