A recognized National symbol, adopted by our founding fathers on June 20, 1782... It portrays a bald eagle displayed against a blue background with the inscription, "E pluribus unum," a Latin phrase that means "Out of many, one." The inscription signified that the 13 colonies had united as one country. In one talon the eagle holds an olive branch; in the other, 13 arrows. Together, the olive branch and arrows were meant to denote the power of peace and war... (Cont. below)
They stand that Freedom is attainable!
“We are extremely proud of the accomplishments we have made in security on the ground as well as proud of all of our great warriors for the work they are doing since they arrived in theater,” Hill said. “We recognize the sacrifices they make and the sacrifices their families and communities make as they serve in Iraq.” Read.
Here they are! :) More Than 1,215 Troops in Iraq to Re-enlist in Independence Day Ceremony! (Loc: rotunda of the Al Faw Palace in Baghdad) July 4, 2008.
Hot Air: Videos: More from the largest re-up ceremony
Across the eagle's breast is a shield of 13 red and white stripes set against a blue background. It was to symbolize that Americans should rely on their own virtues. Above the eagle's head, 13 stars form a constellation to illustrate that a new country would be taking its place among other nations. -defenselink.mil