Kenya Gov declares war on tribalists: Story
But don't count on the UN to address the issues of the thousands of civilians, murdered during the elections in Kenya; they're busy pushing paper in America to see if the U.S. might hold possibility for racism! Read more.
UPDATE: UN is campaigning (Obama election) to secure the $845 billion "UN-controlled Obama "Global Poverty Act"...
AUDIO: Strategists helped pass this bill (2/13/08) in surprise voice-vote.
Reuters: Dem Presidential Campaign Leads U.N. to Investigate Racism in U.S. Story
Well, the U.N. announced on Friday that it is sending its "Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance" to visit our country from May 19 until June 6.
Although Reuters reported this at 2:48 PM EDT Friday, and strongly suggested the investigation is due to racism in the Democrat presidential campaign, LexisNexis and Google searches identified no other American news outlet covering this story. Not one! -Newsbusters
Why isn't the UN continuing the pursuit of Kenyans' safety??
VIDEO: Kenyan Victims: Educated Kenyans with degrees from US!
And NOT a single UN Special Rapporteur in sight!
The Democrat Media avoids publicity during the elections! And the UN fails to address actual atrocities against the Kenyan populations; instead opts for a Sovereign Nation that has a constitution to protect Judicial Process...
UN also wants to reverse the US Death Pentalty... Go figure.
VIDEO: Kenyan Gov. Shoots 12 Dead for Peaceful Protests