
Positive News (beyond the earth)

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)
This little supernova, measured in earth's time-frame, is 140 yrs young! Discovered by NASA's Chandra X-ray; and announced mid May. She's the most recent supernova in our Galaxy. (92 yrs younger than America)
Hubble Heritage gallery: Here

And another look at a technology, already being mapped to develop!
It indicates 2057; but will likely be slightly beyond the next decade...
Given that destructive elements do not disrupt man's creative elements!
-From discovery channel series "2057" (worth another look)
Great Video!

And last... Jupiter in the Balance:
Jupiter's recent outbreak of red spots is likely related to large scale climate change. If the motion continues, the new spot will encounter the much larger storm system in August. [Scale]

The newest red spot is on the far left (west) along the same band of clouds as the Great Red Spot and is drifting toward it. Read more.

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