Humm, starting today, in (US) theatres...
HT: Ace says:
"Believe it or not, Rotten Tomatoes says it's the best-reviewed movie of any genre of the year; and may be the best-reviewed superhero movie ever."
From ACE: UPDATE: I Saw Iron Man
Update! No Moonbat Content! Marvel wouldn't have allowed it!

Ace says, "This is the first movie from Marvel's new in-house studio (the Hulk remake is #2), and it shows in the general faithfulness to the lore and storylines."
Posted Earlier...
I've not seen the film... But after several 'anti-soldier' films that bombed this year... My question: "Who is Hollywood going to delegate to portray the "script enemy?"
(Of course, if I'm wrong, disregard, and "thanks in advance.")