"You are a creature of the earth, loose in a landscape of meaning…America Has Preserved Marine Species, no Longer World Abundant…
And YOU ARE that landscape of meaning." -Terrance McKenna
And has shown a larger reduction in CO2 than those who signed the KOTO treaty... Each year, the U.S. continues to spend hundreds of billions of dollars maintaining the largest Marine-life sanctuary in the world; while improving the goals of other Nations. And continues to invest billions toward NASA climate-change exploration & solutions. Yet is said to be a "little too late??"

Proudly one of our U. S. protected Eco-treasures...
View this 10 minute video by Kona Honu Divers on Hawaii's "Big Island!"
(And a little Hawaiian music, to boot!)
Volcanic CO2 activity in Hawaii is likely to rival modern EPA-controlled US factories... But hey... It is Beautiful, natural, and lovely!
NOTE: If you are led to morn this earth day, you've likely become a victim of Climate Propaganda! Please seek help! Evolution coaching (or something)
Nothing can be done without optimism...
UPDATE: And look what the Brits are doing!
Plan to Harness Congo River: Could Double Electricity Production in Africa:
"The Congo sits on the biggest energy project in the 21st century... If and when completed, the Grand Inga hydropower project is expected to export power to countries in the region and others as far as Nigeria and Egypt." Story!