
Reminiscent of an 80’s Lebanon?

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)
"I don't believe that the majority of Shiites support Hezbollah in changing south Lebanon into scorched earth."
-Minister of Communications Marwan Hamade

Proxy wars for political assurance; and now we find Lebanon on another battered path... But many claim that this path looks strangely reminiscent of the 80's...
Hamade noted that Qatar managed to withdraw its contingent serving with UNIFIL in south Lebanon early in February because "it felt that something is being planned for south Lebanon and because no one wants to go back to the 1980s" in reference to the abduction of foreigners by pro-Iranian factions. Read more.
Hezbollah of 80's: A familiar Resistance...
Videos Below: I missed this era, when Hezbollah (L) Bombed U.S. Embassy & Army Base (1983)... And for that matter, (R) the SAS storm of Iranian embassy (from 1980)...

But the hallmark riots between rival political factions, in a time where kidnappings and murders succeeded in making peace-keepers into villains; look just like, today...

Middle East leaders are Cautioned:
Hamade said Saudi Ambassador to Lebanon Abdul Aziz Khoja was cautioned by Arab and Lebanese security agencies against specific threats and advised to take precautions. "Such a warning was also addressed to many diplomats and Lebanese leaders." Read more.

What Arab neighbor would want to go near this!
Egypt's Mubarak says Syria part of Lebanon crisis
"We should not be (in Damascus) resolving a problem that Syria is a party to," Mubarak said during a visit to Bahrain as part of tour of Gulf Arab countries aimed at unifying positions ahead of the annual Arab League summit..

Peace-keepers and crisis organizations push paper...
Outside View: Suicide bombing a crime
HISTORY: From its modern genesis in Hezbollah's 1983 suicide car bombings of the U.S. Marine Corps and French military barracks in Beirut, Lebanon, which killed 241 Marines and at least 58 French soldiers, suicide bombings have spread worldwide.
Suicide bombings are now a staple of jihadist and secular terrorism alike. Terrorist networks, insurgents and gangs, operating outside of the state system and traditional political boundaries, use suicide terrorism, along with the targeting of civilians, and attacks against humanitarian agencies...
Read more.

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