
Terrorists Are Killing Islamic History

America and Israel are not the only percentage of those attacked; as Jihadi Extremists continue to claim responsibility for tens of thousands of random attacks against every culture across the globe...

History will not judge the fight against terrorism as having given rise to it.
Lack of wisdom, in a world threatened and horrified by al-Qaeda and assorted Militant groups; will see consequence upon cultures, eradicated in their midst! ...We cannot let this happen.

The consequence of action VS inaction will greatly impact our world tomorrow... This remains Islam & the west's greatest challenge.

America takes a vulnerable position in the prevention of these attacks; it is up to those of Islam to stop terrorist's future "fake Islam" attacks! This will protect the future of Islamic History.

Purging terrorist areas of Afghanistan, and assisting respective governments to eradicate the threat of al-Qaeda; might not be the U.S. "right-wing" issue, the U.S. left makes it out to be... It's "World-Wide."

Again, I point you to this essential reading-
Published online: 23 May 2007

Jonathan Haidt details the differences between Liberals and Conservatives, in matters which pertain to psychological preparations & Morality; and why...
When Morality Opposes Justice: Conservatives Have
Moral Intuitions that Liberals may not Recognize
"The five foundations are psychological preparations for detecting and reacting emotionally to issues related to harm/care, fairness/reciprocity, ingroup/loyalty, authority/respect, and purity/sanctity.

Political liberals have moral intuitions primarily based upon the first two foundations, and therefore misunderstand the moral motivations of political conservatives, who generally rely upon all five foundations."
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ادعو الجميع الى تحمل النقاء & قدسية الايمان الحقيقي هو الدليل
I pray for all to hold the purity & sanctity of true faith; as their guide...

Coming soon! ...

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