America overcame abstention and won a victory on many battlefields to become a Nation. We've overcome acts of secession and divisions...Yet, love for freedom & stability, enabled us to over-come these great challenges.
Iraqis moved toward Independence to form their Nation...While not without divisions; freedom and stability remain their greatest challenge...God bless them all.
It has not been without great sacrifice, that America has helped neighbor, and country in need...If you don't realize it after achieving your goals, it means that it worked! :)
But today's retreat sees a division to 'invalidate opponent' as it slides back into the same minimum of integrity, we defeated long ago...
This is an important time for our Nation to hold courage!
And an important time for all tribes of Iraq to unite against terror!
May our resolve stay strong & Nations refuse to slide into submission!
Gen. David Petraeus: The Iraqi Surge: Why it's Working
Very important read by Colonel (Armor): Austin Bay
"You want to help end the terror in Iraq? Condemn the terrorists as the Cho-like psychopaths they are. Deny them the false celebrity they gain when dubbed “insurgents.” ...It would be refreshing if Reid even had the courage of his defeatist convictions." more.Gatewaypundit posts Video below and much more!
HT: gatewaypundit
World threats and the Courage to Address them, roll forward on the World stage...
Iraqi tribal chiefs forming an anti-insurgent party
"A group of Sunni tribal leaders in Iraq's beleaguered Al Anbar province said Thursday they intend to form a national party to oppose such insurgent groups as al-Qaida in Iraq and to re-engage in Iraq's political process. God bless these people!Humm, here's a destabilization in Iraq, "Peace/antiwar Marxist"-Style:
The announcement came after 200 sheiks said to represent 50 tribes met here and agreed to form a provincial sheiks council and hold the first convention in May of their new party, called Iraq Awakening. Sheiks from three other provinces will attend, organizers said. The driving force in the new party, Sheik Abdul-Sattar abu Risha, said in an interview that the tribal leaders." #
Democracy | integrity | Iraq Awakening