
NATO Flushes Taliban: Operation Achilles

NATO Troops Take over Taliban Stronghold...
Afghanistan’s participation in the Modern World is closer today', as several Taliban extremist strongholds were successfully engaged, over-taken, and flushed out by NATO's Military troops in Afghanistan...

Removing the Taliban militants from the northern tip of Helmand province, will open the way for multimillion-dollar repair work on a dam in Kajaki district which would supply the country's south with the much needed progress of electricity... A step forward, for the Afghanis. Full story .
-Click-image-"Uplifting" -NATO-Video:
(Click-image) View: "Uplifting-NATO-Video!"
Operation Achilles, designed to retake Sangin from militants, started late Wednesday as NATO's largest ever offensive in Afghanistan...This is absolutely and completely NOT the time to be on a collision course with surrender, by the left!...For those who believe this to be “un-winnable,” or down-play the importance of defeating the enemy... See Video link (below) to view how completely mistaken this notion is!
****Warning: Highly Graphic Video**** Taliban Rising
**Note: This link not for children or those who have bad dreams.
Importance of NATO's Success...
This carefully planned NATO mission, engaged by 26 Nations, plans to end to the Taliban-controlled areas... With expanded technology, including shields against incoming missiles, high-tech surveillance systems, jamming device to thwart remote-controlled bombs, and a laser prototype to detect roadside explosive devices used by insurgents in Iraq and Afghanistan...
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