
Islamofascism and Earth Changes

Will not be traveling with our studio (who have decided to postpone travel in Morocco) More later...Unless there are changes, a new location for next week...I have files of posts, never uploaded...Posting this (below) re: "on-going" Middle East:
Rondolt earth cue
7/20/06: The stories of the Earth, are really giving Islamic militants and Islamic fundamentalists a cause to trigger attacks on this world like a cue-ball; banking on Allah to reposition Earth for the survival of Islam... Interesting how those of Islam (who have pumped out the life fluid of the Earth) have done more for the development of enterprise (and for that matter, "infidel’s" dependence) than a world who relied upon alternative sources from the beginning...
Oh, and never mind a debate with the Islamic- Militants...
The removal of the infidel’s head is extra essential to their success

-By examining the tectonic plates, one can see how the consciousness of Religious ideology has formed its "peak-story" in areas of re-occurring earth catastrophes. The fate of the cracks in the seed of the earth, unfold.

An interesting article by Stefan Lovgren for National Geographic News July 19, 2006 explains more about the Red Sea Region Parting in Massive Split… and sheds insight on the earth changes...In September of last year the Arabian tectonic plate split apart along a 37-mile (60-kilometer) section in Afar, Ethiopia (Ethiopia map) near the southern end of the Red Sea…

The scientists used data from the European Space Agency's Envisat radar satellite to analyze how the ground moved during the rifting episode.
A similar event occurred in Iceland from 1975 to 1984, but it took nine years and 20 individual "rips" to achieve what happened in Ethiopia in just a few weeks. Read more

-Hey, the collective consciousness of those who generate kindness and place their assistance towards easing the suffering for survivors of imminent earth changes... may still heal our planet, yet. We can all choose to assist!.
It's a requirement in one's own heart, to help those who suffer.
-(^__^) Please stay safe! More later...

-Interesting story re: the survival of the surface seeds, by creation of a seed-vault. 'Noah's Ark' to protect world's seeds

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